So, I guess I'm going to ride Graham's coattails on this one. Duff McKagan? I love him. Seriously. Perhaps my favorite junkie-turn-politico rocker. Hands down. I caught the Playboy article. And a bunch of the other things he's been writing lately. He's a
regular blogger for the Seattle Weekly, and some of his thoughts aren't bad. Or at least aren't worse than mine. But there is something a little strange in the air - the things coming out of his head, I mean. Financial Advice? Commentary on the new Era of Responsibility? I mean I realize the new president has ushered in a sense that all citizen's opinions matter, but I still can't shake the feeling that maybe some professionals should stick to what they're good at? Yeah, yeah, I'm a little conservative. Everyone has a right to an opinion. Blah, blah. But freedom is not only about the
freedom to, it includes the
freedom from - a concept ignored by entertainers on a number of levels. Personally, I enjoy the
freedom from thinking they're idiots, the
freedom from having to sift through a myre of garbled, reactionary distractions when I just want to rock. So Duff, you have opinions. I can deal with that. It's cool. But maybe don't seem so confident tackling all the world's problems one blog post at a time? I mean Ani DiFranco writes political poems and recites them in the middle of her concerts and thousands of infuriatingly blind liberal college women take it as truth. All it takes is five minutes and an acoustic guitar and a whole $100,000 education is wiped out. Rendered useless. Ignored. It's a fucking disaster. Don't be like that. Please. I know it isn't your responsibility that they/we don't ever research our opinions or think of the total cost of our actions, but this is the New Era of Responsibility, remember?
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