So I was browsing my favorite liberal propaganda blog site The Huffington Post, when I came across a very gut wrenching headline. The headline reads as follows: "Coldplay, The Killers, and Bono play the best encore ever." The best encore ever? Really?
First of all what kind of narrow minded bias arrogant prick would write that about any band, let alone England's reincarnated version of the Monkeys, Americas Frat boys turned drug pop morons, and Ireland's foremost egotistical douche bag?
After I calmed down a bit, I got to thinking. This article was probably written by Coldplay, The Killers, and Bono!It makes perfect sense! Chris Martin (lead douche of Coldplay) was once quoted in reference to one of their songs on the upcoming release of their smash album "Viva La Vida Or Death and All His Friends" as "The greatest song ever written." (see other awesome Douche Martin quotes here) He wouldn't say which one, you would have to buy the album to find out.
Then we have The Killers. These guys give a whole new meaning to "Brodeo." Hey Killers, just because you banged a couple hot girls and figured out that Cocaine and Valium are pretty kick ass, doesn't make your music or your band any more interesting. You aren't the first guys to take a stripper home and do lines off her ass while playing a keyboard!
Finally Bono. This guy honestly believes he is bigger than the music he "creates." In fact he believes he is a true gift to society. Granted he has done a lot of great work for the AIDS crisis and other social causes around the world, he hasn't put out a decent album since "War." I cant help but feel that his social causes are a selfish attempt to line his own pockets. (2006 Virtigo tour grossed 376 million dollars in revenue.) Bono gives his own meaning to self righteous pretension.
In closing, "the greatest encore ever?" Maybe. The greatest display of douchebagery? Definitely.