Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds are King
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Lux Interior (RIP)
February 4, 2009
Lux Interior, lead singer of The Cramps, passed away this morning due to an existing heart condition at Glendale Memorial Hospital in Glendale, California at 4:30 AM PST today. Lux has been an inspiration and influence to millions of artists and fans around the world. He and wife Poison Ivy's contributions with The Cramps have had an immeasurable impact on modern music.
The Cramps emerged from the original New York punk scene of CBGB and Max's Kansas City, with a singular sound and iconography. Their distinct take on rockabilly and surf along with their midnight movie imagery reminded us all just how exciting, dangerous, vital and sexy rock and roll should be and has spawned entire subcultures. Lux was a fearless frontman who transformed every stage he stepped on into a place of passion, abandon, and true freedom. He is a rare icon who will be missed dearly.
The family requests that you respect their privacy during this difficult time.
I Need To Kill My Cat
I Need to Kill My Cat
I adopted my cat Obie from the Humane Society, after a friend heard I wanted to get a new cat. Obie had been his cat, and after having a baby he had given Obie to a coworker to take care of “for a while”. He had been paying the coworker for food and litter expenses, and one day she handed him a letter saying she couldn't take care of the cat and had taken him to the Humane Society.
The official reason for the surrender of the cat listed in his Humane Society file was “Needs room to run”. Interesting, because Obie is the laziest, fattest cat ever. He hates running. He needs to stop and take a nap after climbing stairs. The real reason for him being surrendered to the Humane Society, and probably the initial reason for the dumping of the cat with the coworker, is Obie loves pissing all over everything.
He has pissed on my mattress (bought new less then 1 year before being pissed on, $800), my 1200 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets ($200), my 100% down filled Egyptian cotton comforter ($200), my favorite bomber jacket I've had since I was 15 ($150 + 16 years of sentimental attachment=$4200), myself (fair market value $43,000 in organs alone), every corner of every carpet in my apartment (probably worth very little, but constantly cleaning carpets at the average carpet cleaning wage of $14.07/hour amounts to about $6,500 so far), and so on and so forth.
He has been to the vet several times. His problem is not life threatening, nor extremely painful for the cat. It is also chronic, not easily treated and will not go away for any amount of money, ever. The vet explained it was a mild urinary tract problem which causes the cat discomfort when using the litter pan. The cat associates the pain of urination with the litter pan, and attempts to alleviate the pain by pissing elsewhere. I gave my vet the “I'm not stupid, give me the straight story” look, and she finally admitted that, yes, the cat is just pissing everywhere because he thinks it's funny.
This is one of those times in life where one really wishes they were an asshole. The two assholes that played tag with the cat before could not bring themselves to euthanize the animal, and passed the problem on without disclosing it. They probably felt perfectly fine doing so, and may have patted themselves on the back thinking they were such big animal lovers who were giving the animal a second chance by letting someone else deal with it.
One thing is for sure; I do not like the smell of cat pee. If I liked it, it would not be a problem. I've tried. If I could have a girl over to my apartment and have her say “Oh wow, your place really smells like cat pee! I actually wear it as cologne sometimes because I love that smell so much.” I would be good. The moral issues of “is this animals life worth more than my possessions and me having to live in a state of slight disgust?” and “what if it clears itself up in a month and you kill the cat and never find out” are not easily answered. God forbid I ever have a child with some sort of terrible illness...
Yay or Nay?
Today in History

1958 – A hydrogen bomb now known as the Tybee Bomb disappeared off the shores of Tybee Island, Georgia, USA after it was jettisoned during a practice exercise when the bomber carrying it collided in midair with a fighter plane.
History of the Invention of Rap Music

According to my friend, rap music was invented in the 1970's when 4 guys thought it would be funny to tell a story about nothing; but also, while talking very fast. Here are some notable events in the history of rap music.
RAP actually stands Rock And Purpose.
In 1986, Rap music split into two conferences, East Coast and West Coast to accommodate the growing number of Rap Teams. Currently the East Coast has more Rapbowl championships.
LL Cool J, is a 3 time Guinness world records holder for moistest lips.
Wu Tang Clan- Fuck YEAH
More to come as rap music continues to evolve and grow.