I recently re watched this movie "Outside Providence." Turns out it is actually a damn good movie... Anyway this is a scene from the movie that couldn't possibly be written any better. I laugh like a bastard every time.
Look, I don't think this is funny: find some poor, out-of-work actor sluffing it in the sububs of Taos, New Mexico who vaguely looks like me, or looks like what I sorta looked like at the end of high school when I still had hair, give him a ticket to the 2007 Tech Expo and then film him and throw it up on Youtube? I'm not cool with this at all... I swear I'll find you Michael Huggins... Or wait, are you the Michael Huggins that has been getting all my emails for nearly ten years now? A girl told me once that she sent some naked pictures to me at that address and you never forwarded them to me (she took more later, but that isn't the point). I want them back, you sneaky little shit, so you can't keep telling your tech buddies that this is the girl you rammed in the bathroom at the Gravy'n'Fries Palace in downtown Thunder Bay, Canada. You know, the one you've been talking about for years...
So, I think I remember Tony! Toni! Tone!... I think... Certainly not as well as some people may. It wasn't my thing. I drew the line with Bel Biv Devoe. (Those of you that know him, I think my parents have a video of Chris Wilger dancing to 'Poison' in the middle school talent show... shhh! If I find it, I'll post it on Youtube)... But the sun has gone down on the Motown Phili crew and all their assorted contemporaries. It certainly doesn't appear Tony! Toni! Tone! is selling a lot of albums these days, but if you're looking for a cd that'll set you back less than its shipping cost, well... (Which reminds me to have all of you remind to do a list of albums that were once awesome and now sell for less than a $1 on Amazon).
But the thing is lead vocalist for the group, Rafael Saadiq, aka Rafael Wiggins, aka Charlie Ray Wiggins put out an absolutely mindblowing album toward the end of last year, The Way I See It, which I heard over the weekend (thank god for midwest girls and their interest in the later careers of dudes they listened to when they were young). Now from what I can tell, most of the American music press panned the album: Pitchfork gave it a 6.8, Rolling Stone essentially argued that it was only a good album because Amy Winehouse had restabilized R&B, etc. But I found the forelinked review on British site, The Independent, from the end of last month. Better late than never... And Reckless Records in Chicago said they've been seeing an increased demand, so hopefully Saadiq will get the attention he deserves.
In anticipation of the impending holiday that is St Patty's Day, here is a video that will hopefully remind us what the holiday is actually about. (Its not just about drinking Powers guys...)