Hey everyone !
It’s time for your science minute!
Otter-like fossil reveals early seal evolution.
Nick and Jim in Animal Science say they've found a "missing link" in the early evolution of seals and walruses — the skeleton of a web-footed, otter-like creature that was evolving away from a life on land.
To bad it was such a crappy design and had to become extinct.
It was probably food for the SUPER SHARK!(seen in pic being killed by many heroic Asians) Later they found out it was only SON of SUPER SHARK! And all got eaten.)
In Space News
A Big “BLOB” was discovered in early universe!
A strange giant space "blob" spotted when the universe was relatively young has got astronomers puzzled. Using space and ground telescopes, us scientists looked back to when the universe was only 800 million years old and found something that was out of proportion and out of time.
The photo is a little fuzzy…sorry my zoom is a little broken.
The rumor here at the lab is that they named the blob “HIMIKO” after Janis Himiko. She works in the Mech Nuclear Weapons Division here in the Lab and can be quite a cunt at times… plus she’s fat.
In Tech News
Apple pulls plug on "Baby Shaker" iPhone program!
WTF! How else am I suppose to practice shaking my baby? Seriously… I’m a Scientist, I work like 16 to 20 hours a day and have no time to practice when I’m at home and I want every shake to count, no weak shakes. What are they going to take away next the zit popper app. Shit.
That’s been your science minute.
When there is another break through I'll be sure to let you know.