So today is April 1st, activation day for the Conficker virus and god only knows what will happen to the 9 to 15 million computers that are infected with it.
What I'm hoping for is a sequel to that sweet Hackers movie that came out in 1995!
Remember how HOT Angelina was in that movie! You get to see her boob for like two seconds... and it's so fucking RAD!
And if you pause it you can look at it as long as you want!
I guess i'll just be glad that this won't effect me or probably any of you seeing how i haven't used a PC in like seven years.
But I say good luck to the French air force, Royal navy, Sheffield hospital network, UK Ministry of defence and all the other PC users who are going to get all there porn or whatever ripped away from them when that baby kicks in.
I would also like to take this time thank the wonderful peeps at handsome world for allowing me to be the newest contributer
THANKS... now check out these boobs i found on google images.

Im glad somebody finally decided to take the reigns in the "tech review" section of this blog.....and boob review