Thursday, August 20, 2009

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! (that's a super high pitched scream)

What is the world coming too?
So I'm surfing the world wide web as i usually do after breakfast
you know tweeting, facebooking, myspacing the usual stuff i do
and i finally get to my favorite news source on the net YAHOO.COM
and what do i see!
a headline saying " Tom Cruises son following in his fathers footsteps. click here to see what eighties remake he's going to be in!"
a wave of nausea instantly came over me "Eighties remake?" i thought "God please don't let it be..."
I closed my eyes and clicked the link.


How the shit are you going to go and try to remake the greatest movie of all time?
They are going to remake RED DAWN!!!!!!!!!
That would be like some shitty writer trying to rewrite Have Spacesuit Will Travel!
It just can't be done!
I say again IT JUST CAN'T BE DONE!
i started crying and barfing and peeing and pooping and sneezing all at the same time!
they are going to kill it and fill it with crappy CGI and tom cruses' shitty kid is in it and god does Hollywood just hate me( picture me rolling around on the floor crying and whining or.. as david hasslfot in that drunk burger commercial he did)

just in case you have never seen Red Dawn, here, and you're welcome.
but i warn you be ready to experience the greatest movie ever made in motion picture history.
then i went to to see the cast list and
ok you know what i have to stop right here i'm just so pissed i can't even type.
i'll be back to write more soon.


  1. Nooooooooooo waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!! you must be super bummered out. I can only imagine the pain. If they did this to "the Cutting Edge" I would be so pissed.

    also, Yahoo news is easily the best and most informative site I know of.

  2. no dude! it's ok! it's ok! this is a totally different movie in a totally different universe. there is a black guy playing the mayor... which reminds me, what's the DEAL with Hollywood making movies that randomly replace the pre-existing characters with black guys? Is Hollywood racist or is every writer to have had a movie made from his material in the last 15 years? I wanna know, cause I'm going to burn a cross in somebody's yard, so help me... Wait... That means I'm racist, doesn't it? Well, then I reassert my original theorem: God is the only white guy out there, the rest of us are just shades of ash, and since we're all the same, let's totally kick the crap out of Hollywood and the writers that allow them to continue propagating remakes of movies that were once awesome and now have no chance of being awesome thus tarnishing the good names of their fathers, the movies that came before them, with the same names...
