I have a friend who convinced a four year old (both parties shall remain nameless) that her stuffed bear was really a stuffed wallaby. But instead of calling it a wallaby, she now refers to it as a "kowallaby" so what used to be a simple bear is now some sort of amazing koala bear/wallaby hybrid super animal. BUT, it still looks like a bear! (See above) The poor parents have to go around constantly explaining what happened all while silently cursing their friend. As a casual bystander, not at all involved in the situation, I think the friend should have to make amends to the parents somehow, don't you? Maybe with a sweet birthday drum set?
This is an outrage! Whomever is responsible for this parental abuse needs to come forward immediately! (prefferably with drumset in hand...)
ReplyDeleteI don't think these parents you speak of understand what kind of "can of worms" they are opening by getting a birthday drum set or any drum set
ReplyDeletefor said child.
On second thought...
sounds like bad parenting...plain and simple
ReplyDeletecase closed
no slap backs
Hey JM! You are going to start getting bulk shipments of Kowalaby's starting tomorrow. Your house, work, and randomly on corners in Brooklyn.